Friday, September 3, 2010

"Christian" Religicrits at it Again

Okay, here I know what chaps my ass? These ignorant far-right Christian religicrits (read Glen Beck and friends) want a fire-and-brimstone sermon, well, I have one for 'em. The reason why they are so hateful is because they have to get up every morning and look at their own ugly faces. These people hate everyone not like them (i.e., people that hate themselves and their lives). The Christian Bible teaches love and respect, not hate. On a daily basis they chastise the GLBT community telling others that "gays are all going to hell." Bunch of damn religicrits. Hate, I thought was a sin in and of itself is judgment.

In addition, I am a Male-to-Female transsexual. I am sick of getting to the third interview during the job application process, signing all that paperwork to do a background check, and then when they find out I was born male they toss me right out. I wish somehow I could change their sexual orientation to make them just like me so they would know how it feels. You can't get a fair shake at anything in society these days...GRRRRRRR!

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