Welcome to the Adopt-A-Gay Foundation website.
The Adopt-A-Gay Foundation seeks to foster genuine understanding between Trans People, Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals (TLGBs) and the heteronormative society that has been slowly institutionalizing heterosexuality through state referendum (Prop 8) and misguided federal legislation (DADT, DOMA). Let's hear it for the advocates who fought for DADT repeal! Way to go everyone! But, the fight is not over:
Limitations on TLGB rights have kept non-heterosexual citizens as second-rate citizens, who are not entitled to the rights guaranteed all citizens of the United States. We are human beings. We are citizens. We are voters. And, more importantly we are not going away. In the interest of preserving peace and upholding the principles of the Declaration of Independence, in seeking LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS for all citizens, the Adopt-A-Gay Foundation is proud to announce:
Queers everywhere are welcome here!
In other words, we speak the truth of our lives with the surest hope that our fellow citizens will recognize the suffering our people have faced, that they will stand with us, and in one voice we will all say "Enough Already!"
We hope that if you have suffered under oppression; if you have had your family disown you; if you have lost your job or your friends and family; if you have been ridiculed and harassed; if you have been exiled from your homeland or run out of your home town; that if you have experienced any of these things, then maybe, just maybe you understand how horrible it is to live under such pressure. And maybe, just maybe, you'll read this and be angry. Maybe that anger, that fire, will drive you to action; will drive you to attend the upcoming Pride Events that will stagger the nation throughout the month of June. Perhaps, you will decide "Enough Already!" Perhaps, we all will!