Saturday, December 18, 2010

I Dont Get Why We Aren't Helping Unemployed and Homeless Transgendered Veterans

Ok, this may take a minute, but let me walk ya thru it: I am an unemployed homeless transexual veteran. How is that for a minority? I have been everywhere looking for a job. I did not get a job, but I have gotten some looks. I guess they don't believe it when they figure it out. Oh well.

I have also tried to go to the VA's homeless veterans counselor and he has told me, "Sorry there is nothing we can do". I have been to the shelters and they wont take me in because "where would they put me in with the males or females?"

I love this country, I really do. I spent 4 years and 3 tours in the Persian Gulf fighting for this country. All I have to say is WTF America? I may be different but I have payed my dues. No criminal record, nothing on my DMV record and all I get is a hard time. Why should I stay in this country if there are others willing to help me? I cant even get into college because no one will take the time to help me. I am not dumb by any stretch and I am willing and able to work. Well, maybe, I will just turn into another tranny prostitute, I mean that's what these people want right? That way every night when they are driving to go out to dinner they have something to look out the window and sneer at and then laugh--and they call us sick? People, I promise you this...I am not leaving this country...ohhh no! I am staying and I'm gonna force them to hear me and see me everyday for the rest of thier lives...thats right ya pissed me off and I am not going away. Instead, I am staying and fighting for our equal rights. I am bullheaded and got plenty of fight in me. If you are reading this and want to help...speak up and let America hear you. Thats our problem ...we have no voice...well guess what? I never shut up and I am about to show this country, congress, and all the haters. Fuk'em all!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Now What ?

Well, I am now not just unemployed but homeless as of Dec 15, 2010. I am an unemployed homeless Vet. I have left 10 voice messages for the "homeless Veteran" counselor at the VA (Veterans Administration) and he still has not returned my calls. Lovely, huh? I know there is only 10 million of us that will be sleeping in shelters or on the streets this X-Mas, but give it a few more years and if our congress continues this way there will be more. When is it enough? When will the American people rise up together (regardless of color, creed, gender and all that useless packaging we put ourselves in) and take our country back? Those congressmen and women were put there for the people, by the people, not for the rich, by the rich. Anyways, see ya all on the flip side. I am off to a new and never visited world for me. Really, just another chapter in my adventurous life.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Assistance for an Unemployed Tranny

Well, my unemployment has run its course and our "great politicians" have failed to extend it yet. I have been searching for places that may be able to offer me food and housing assistance until I finally get employed but wouldn't ya know it....none of them are willing to help. Social services won't help because I don't have kids. The shelters are all full and overflowing. The V.A. has set an appointment for me but that's not guaranteed either. One good thing is they are all offering me food--now that I don't have a fridge to put it in. Maybe I will get lucky and be arrested for being homeless and then I will get my very own bed, shelter, and food.

Some shelters have denied me because I am transgendered. Where would they put me? Next to a family so I could corrupt their children's minds? The more I live, the more I notice how much they really do hate us (trannys). I don't understand it. How could one human being be so hateful to another? Just because people like me are different doesn't mean we will corrupt your children or give you the "tranny disease".

My heart is full of hurt. It hurts for all who have been punished for being themselves. The very ones that have the courage get the very short end of the stick. Well, World, you will never get rid of me, you will never defeat me and I will never hang my head in shame. I am stronger than you. I am smarter than you. And, my heart is bigger than yours. So, in conclusion: you can stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fw: Yahoo! News Story - Montana GOP policy: Make homosexuality illegal

Sarah found this one:

So much fun seeing how interested the citizens and their political "platforms" are in the private affairs of other citizens.

Sarah once asked me, "why are people so interested in what I do in the bedroom? I don't think about them having sex. So, just because they're perverts, I've got to suffer?" Or, something like that.

All I can say: who knows why mainstream America is obsessed with so-called "deviant" sexual potentialities? Perhaps, the repressed libido forced through propaganda and Puritanical upbringings? But, really, who knows?

Friday, September 3, 2010

"Christian" Religicrits at it Again

Okay, here I know what chaps my ass? These ignorant far-right Christian religicrits (read Glen Beck and friends) want a fire-and-brimstone sermon, well, I have one for 'em. The reason why they are so hateful is because they have to get up every morning and look at their own ugly faces. These people hate everyone not like them (i.e., people that hate themselves and their lives). The Christian Bible teaches love and respect, not hate. On a daily basis they chastise the GLBT community telling others that "gays are all going to hell." Bunch of damn religicrits. Hate, I thought was a sin in and of itself is judgment.

In addition, I am a Male-to-Female transsexual. I am sick of getting to the third interview during the job application process, signing all that paperwork to do a background check, and then when they find out I was born male they toss me right out. I wish somehow I could change their sexual orientation to make them just like me so they would know how it feels. You can't get a fair shake at anything in society these days...GRRRRRRR!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

DADT Update

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Discharges Hit Lesbians Hardest

Interesting aol news piece. Discusses the disproportionate discharge of Lesbians compared to Gays in the armed forces. I find it interesting to note that transpeople are not mentioned. Will have to do a little more seraching to find out how DADT handles trannys.

Links to Queer Content by Author Monique Finley

GLBT American Dream: Struggle for Gay Rights in the 21st Century
Commentary on the state of inequality for Queer America.

Hollywood Glamorization of Lipstick Lesbians Leaves Proud Butch Dykes Out of Television
Discussion of unequal media representation for Butch Lesbians.

Born to be Gay
Editorial discussing the question of whether one is "born gay" or "chooses".

Maggie's Conundrum
Flash fiction. Maggie survived high school by keeping her true self secret. When she learns a secret about her boss's son, Maggie has to choose her next move. What happens next shocks all, including Maggie.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Civil Rights Alert: Prop 8 Ban on Same-sex Marriage Overturned

California re-legalizes gay marriage! You know the Religicrits are going to appeal and lose. It amazes me that the Nazi's anti-homosexuality mentality has been adopted by scarily powerful segments of our society. Hate-mongering for the sake of controlling the masses will work for a time, until they get pissed off. Or, until someone else gets pissed off and steps in.

The Religicrits are out for queer blood in the poorest nations of the world, places like Uganda where the Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009 sentences gay people to death. There are other countries that kill queers, today, right now. This isn't something that "used to" happen; it's something that is happening. Who will be next?

California = Same-sex marriage re-legalized
Uganda = Homosexuality illegalized; punishment is death penalty

Kind of makes the California win pale in comparison to the lives threatened by the actions of three Religicrits. Countless Ungandan queers face death because of a three day brain-washing tent revival held by so-called American Christians. You know, I'm genuinely scared.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Transpeople are Terrorists Debate: Should transgendered and transsexual individuals be protected by employment discrimination laws?

"I think transgenders or transsexuals should be treated as terrorists." This sentence was written by "M Pereira" and this is why we need to reach out by being employed and being around these types of close minded people. If I am a terrorist or a threat to anyone it would be myself because God knows I have sabotaged many a thing for myself over the years.

Gay Laws and Rights

Ok everybody, I am writing this blog because I want to know how everyone feels about gay marriage, employment non-discrimination act (ENDA), and other issues of queer importance. It might seem long, but bear with me.

I have noticed that all people and non-profits are fighting for equality in the name of gay marriage or other small topics. To achieve equality we need to seem "NORMAL" on the social playing field. Meaning that if society sees us as productive and "NORMAL" they will be more willing to give us all the things we seek for equality. Instead of society's current view of us as prostituting, drug using freaks applying for marriage, what if we fight for laws that allow us to work and be "NORMAL" first. Once we are seen by employers and co-workers as normal people and not those listed above maybe then we will get all those things we all want so very badly.

For an example, your new boss is an upright citizen, but thinks we are doing the devil's work and are one day going to hell because we are the downfall of America's morals. Yet, because of a law being passed you now work for him on a daily basis. Of course it will be tough at first, but once they see we are no different than anyone else they will start to think of us as being just as "NORMAL" as anyone else. Thus, by showing people who we are, rather than, telling them who we are will assure that someday we will be able to achieve all the things everyone else has achieved.

to be continued...

Hiya Peeps

I am here now. So, you better tell me to shut up!

I will say anything and everything because I have a open mind and anything goes mentality....cya soon.

I am rude crude and socially unacceptable, but I mean no harm.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Site Under Construction

Please bear with us during this time of improvement as the Adopt-A-Gay Foundation web site is currently a work in progress.

Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any suggestions regarding the site. Thank you!

And remember, it is never too late to Adopt-a-Gay!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Call for LGBT Coming Out Stories

Are you a member of the non-heteromormative world? Did your lack of heteronormativity cause you to lose your family? Your friends? Your job? What happened when you reached this point? Was there someone you were able to turn to? Did someone help you out? Get you back on your feet?

The staff at the Adopt-A-Gay Foundation know first-hand the feelings of despair at losing family, friends, and careers because of non-heteronormativity. Fortunately, the staff at Adopt-A-Gay also know first-hand the enormous relief to be had when surrounded by those who have experienced loss through the Outing process. It is through coming together after Coming Out that we are able to overcome the deep depression which results from unreasonable social expectation.

When removed from an unwelcome environment many find new friends and occasionally are adopted into new families. The Adopt-A-Gay Foundation wants you to know we're all Family here. Please, leave a comment.

Share your Coming Out story and if you have an adoption story, we encourage you to contact the Editor at:
Be sure to refer to "Coming Out/Adoption" in the subject line.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Welcome to the Adopt-A-Gay Foundation

If you've reached this page you must have read an article by Monique Finley in the GAY-E-Magazine April Fool's relaunch issue (2010).
Congratulations, you've been had:


There is no Adopt-A-Gay Foundation...yet!

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